Yesterday, was Andy's Grandparents 60th Wedding Anniversary! Such a special and memorable party to attend, because they are amazing. Not only did they raise 8 children, but they are the most hip 80+ year olds you would ever meet. Need to know how to work a kindle ask his Grandma she's got it on lock down.
Traditionally for parties at their home every child brings a dish to pass. Usually I bring a dessert but this time I wanted something I haven't made before but wouldn't be overwhelming so I went with Lasagna Cupcakes. These are EXTREMELY easy to make, and I even taught Andy who made his very own batch.
What you will need:
1 12 oz Ricotta Cheese
1 Package Italian Blended Cheese
1 Regular Sized Package of Non Fat Cottage Cheese
1 12 oz package of Parmesan Cheese
Italian Seasoning
1 lb of Ground Beef
1 Jar of Marinara Sauce or in our case Tomato Basil Sauce
1 Package of Won Ton Wraps
*Makes for 24 individual cupcakes
Step 1: Place 1 Won Ton Wrap in bottom of Cupcake or Muffin pan
Step 2: Mix 1 lb of cooked ground beef with the jar of marinara - place small amounts in the bottom of the cups created by the Won Tons.
Step 3: Begin layering Ricotta, Cottage Cheese and Italian Cheese Blend
Step 4: Place an additional Won Ton on top of first layer of cheeses, repeat step 3 on top of this Won Ton - adding a dash of Italian Seasoning and parmesan cheese.
Step 5: Bake in oven for 18-20 minutes at 375 degrees.
Step 6: Let cool for 5 minutes and enjoy!
totally just pinned this! such a great idea for a quick lunch!
Erin @
These look delish! And so easy!