The last few weeks have been nothing but 80-90+ degrees in the midwest. I'm not complaining but in the dead of the day it is hot - and my pretty curly waved hair in the morning goes flat. I've always admired the fish tail braid, but I've never had my hair long enough to execute it properly. So finally with the help of a few bobby pins I'm able to have a smaller fish tail braid. It's cute and it definitely helps when my hair goes flat and no amount of hair spray will help.
To learn how to do the fish tail if you don't already know check out this video by Lauren Conrad. It wasn't the easiest one for me to learn with.
What is your go to hair style when your hair doesn't want to cooperate in the middle of a heat wave?
I love simple hair too, I like the easiness of braids. I really like your blog! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I'm from England) as I post my outfits and more :) :)
i agree with you. great post!