Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wedding: Asking The Bridesmaids

This past October I asked five of my best friends to be in my wedding this upcoming August. 

Coming up with how I wanted to do it - was probably the hardest part.  

Originally I wanted to send each girl a spool of lace with the words: Will you be my bridesmaid on the opposite side. While it would have been cute and unsuspecting, my girlfriends are tons of fun and I wanted something cute and fun like them. 

I decided to send each girl a copy of the DVD Bridesmaids (you can get them relatively inexpensive on Amazon) and created my own card (above.) Each girl got the DVD and card wrapped in a bow sent directly to their house. 

I think the best part of sending to their house was their reactions - even though I couldn't see them I could tell by their voices how excited they were which means the world to me. I wouldn't want anyone else to be in my wedding but them. I am so lucky to have such great friends. 

Now onto the fun part - planning.



  1. How fun! I love how what you came up with to ask your bridesmaids!
    xo TJ

  2. I've never seen anything like this, it's amazing!


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